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☠ That Sucidal Teenage ☠

I am 13 this year,like the colour blue,black,green..... juz wana have friends, wana live and lastly horhxxx. The Name's H A N N A H and its not funni, and this is my blog and if you do NOT like it right... it's call too BAD

☠ Sucidal Friends ☠

Chi Chi

☠ Sucidal Romance ☠


French Fries
Hanging out with Frens
Thinking Hard

☠ Famous Last Words ☠

☠ Sucidal Dancefloor☠

☠ Graveyards ☠

☠ Wednesday, July 23, 2008 ☠

Today in school so lonely, Hillary never come LOL!!!!! Science class sit alone LEH!!!!! HAHA, but at least got to do the experiment, it was fun and enjoyable....... CT3 coming le, need to ''chiong'' the weekend as I HAVE NOT STUDY ENOUGH for the test bah!!!!!!! LOL stupid Felicia Wu Aimin got the GOLDEN GOOSE nickname no longer the small stone HAHA........... AS i said life is just too complicated, sometimes it tends to be tired too, but also I have something else to stand beside me.......................
To felicia, do not blame me hor, i ish 必不得已的.

I Shut My Mouth Up At 9:09 PM✖✖✖

☠ Wednesday, July 16, 2008 ☠

So sorry ah guys, so LONG never come blog le!!!!!!
Cause very busy this few days, with homework and studies. That sickening Felicia made me do so many '' suff'' for her, must 跟他算账!!!!!Somemore say me ah!!!! I also go with her to Hougang mall to look for Shrek CD lah!!!!!! Say me in her blog now i aslo muz say her le! anyway now I am looking foward to CT3 as after that can 休息一阵子 so anyway life the same its is 吧.nothing much to say. Accept for that stupid allergy i had lol. Look up for new posts after first week of August, cuz that is whe CT3 is over!!!! Ha now must prepare for examinations leh!!!! Important to me, cuz this can help pull moi marks up lehs Yupps, now have to do math homework already, but i shioo lazie to do leh,没办法,一定要做,不然, teacher(Ms Su) will scold !!!!!

Got to go 了!

I Shut My Mouth Up At 4:31 PM✖✖✖

☠ Saturday, June 07, 2008 ☠

The so called qQ enJoyaBle........

Now here's what happened on the first day.......

I reported to the camp at 8.10 ++++ then I saw Angie then later waited for Trudy, then together we go down..... Then later a few minutes after we saw some seniors, coming into the gym. Then all the sec 1 and sec 2 gather then Tania, Vice cap, started whole gathering, slowly more seniors come lol. Then later we all had our names writen on the tape and pasted on our PE shirts. Then later Tania asked Cheryl, one other senior to tell a story about the school basement toilet......... Here's what the story goes:

Last time in the school there was a girl who was very ugly then no body wanted to friend her, so there was this bunk (a tomboy) who pity her, then later become her friend, slowly slowly the ugly girl fall in love with the bunk then one day finally she confessed to the bunk that she love her. But the bunk reject her say that '' You're too ugly!!!! '' then the ugly girl very sad. Then she go to the basement toilet and use her penknife and difigured her face then cut her wrist, and use the blood to write on the mirror: Am I pretty Enough???? Then she died......... Next day the bunk died............

- The End -

Then later Tania warned us not to go to the basement toilet alone or if anyone tap you on the back do not look back unless is friend............. Then later we had some icebreakers games....... Some was fun while the others was not..........

1st icebreaker game: Whacko x not fun

2nd icebreker game: Cat and Dog =) fun

3rd icebreaker game: Pass the porlar ring *) so so

Later was traning, was surprisingly fun!!!!!! We learnt how to do a rally, which was with Clarissa Low and me!!! Luckily Tania taught us, she so kind and friendly. Then training ended and it was lunch time lol. We had KFC chicken which was 林老师's treat. And all of us say thank you to her then later after lunch we had bonding time and played many games, some of them were also ice breakers. After it was dinner time, it was when we left shcool at six to riverdale mall for dinner, some of the seniors ate at macdonald while others go to the foodcourt. I and the other sec 1 went to the foodcourt to eat. My dinner was omelet fried rice which was recommended by arhx Shen Ru. Later after dinner we had some time as the teacher said that the meeting time was 7.30 pm so we went to the supermarket to buy tibits and sweets. I bought sweets only! Later we went back to the school.

It was then when treasure hunt began. I felt that it was scary and also fun..... Smiles......

I was in the group 5 which consists of Boon Ting,Anesia and chelsea + me lah! !st station was easy to find it was the rock wall. That was when we had the second station was at the libary, the clue was easy to find but we were so '' Cork Eye '' never see that the clue was paste inside the bag cardboard. Ha ha.... 还真笨!!! Later the clue given was quite tricky,it showed a music player then we thought was the music room. But was not but was the music player at the canteen. Then we found the clue at the canteen, it showed a man with puffy hair whom we thought was a girl. There was a light bulb there and it said that he was wearing track shoes. Then luckily the seniors helped us a little say that it was a man and was not a teacher in the school. Then i started to think think lol, then I think of Mrs Thiru's classroom outside the drwing of einstein then i tell my teamated lol then we go there luckily it was.... CORRECT!!!!!!!!! Yay to me!!!!!! That was when we had the slime thing that we ahd to dig out the 5¢ coin lol. Then we saw fake spiders and roaches but was not scared becuz it was so fake and did not look real. Then later we find the 5¢ coin.........

Whie!!! tired already....

To Be Continued................

Stay Tuned........

I Shut My Mouth Up At 11:59 AM✖✖✖

☠ Friday, June 06, 2008 ☠

Now my heart is really bleeding.........................

My cat just died...........

On 6th of June 2008..........

Found on the mids of May 2007..........

Why? Why? Why?

I got home on the 5th of June when I found out with my own eyes that the cat, Lucky, had fallen sick and did not know what had gone wrong. I came home from the camp.(table tennis) I was surprised. My parents and younger sister, Hillary, went Overseas. They knew about it but still did not bring Lucky to the vet. If I were there I would not let this happen..... But its too late to regret. She was found dead at 4 am in the morning by my maid, and had her body taken away after seeing her for around 2h, she was cremated and would be returned next week, oh my Lord, Jesus, please mak esure Lucky May Rest In Peace............... I will not expect to see Hillary in tears when she knew about this, she once loved Luckt so much............ I am really starting to hate the camp that i thought was enjoyable before the tragedy..........While i enjoyed, she suffered..........I am so sorry Lucky That i did not managed to be with you when you suffered.......

Her two back legs was disabled she could not help but drag her body........

I Shut My Mouth Up At 7:56 PM✖✖✖

☠ Friday, May 30, 2008 ☠


I finally finished my art homework lehs!!!!! Actually finish already but then i redo lol. because it was so ugly, and somemore it is counted in CT3 marks mah. I also memorise all 60 idioms for the CT3 chinese test and also learnt how to write them out properly. But then, D&T very '' ma fan '' must use dehx clay to create the items, spending much more time then the art. Nevemine, its alright, just smile and everything is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckily I still got a lote of time to finish up the D&T homework........ Better Jia Yous Already............

I also finish my drama series, Brom Sugar Macchiato, it is very nice to watch lehs! It was very funny and exxagerating though, but also romantica!!!!! But better to set aside time to study, or else my results will drop to '' Jia Liat '' I also very happy lehs that horx, my mom never gve me tuition because of my math and english which got B3. Yah!!!!! Tomorrow also going to wild wild wet to play so long never go already. Maybe after wild wild wet can got to arhx Escape Theme Park lehs !!!!!!!!

I Shut My Mouth Up At 11:09 AM✖✖✖

☠ Friday, May 23, 2008 ☠

Today, Finally.............

Got back my report card already!!!!! A little sad though.....but still I am happy! HaHaS. I am happy that its time for me to earn money!!!!! It's great somehow though but right I am sad for my English, Math and Art lahs. All got B3. then the rest all A lol. 没关系!Work harder the next time.At least I got 4th in class and 20th in the level. Ya! Need to 加油了!

I Shut My Mouth Up At 2:34 PM✖✖✖

☠ ☠

真惨!!! 昨天,assembly的时候...........

Yesterday so tiring....No say leg pain better lahs. 哎呀!came to then arh, go to the hall and sit down. Have a flag rasing then starts to happen 巴!After that, we ave the BORING session. That when have a mask to celebrate founder's day of my school.

Sat and suffer for a 2h......真惨! You can imagine how boring was it LOL! Can remember how cram was it lehssss. Luckily Felicia with me, or else i will 闷到死!!!!!( bored to DEATH)

But at least got something INTERESTING!!!!!

After the final 20 annoucements!!! Still =) got a surprise awaiting for me and frens!!!! Got a click 5 posters. It was said that the click 5 came to my school last year and gave out 1000 posters WITH THEIR  SIGNATURES ON IT! later that was when chaos started after dismissing us!!!! ppl STARTED TO RUSH DOWN TO GENERAL OFFICE!!!!! Then when I 本人 reach there!!! PPL were like screaming and pushing..... It seems like there was a riot in school. I somehow managed to get hold of the posters!!!! YaY for me...........


So jia LIAT!!! tell you this felicia so 麻烦!!!!! choose her blog skin so difficult.. that is so ''LAME'' then say what '' CHILDISH'' after 4 stupid hours. Finally had her so called ''dream'' blog skin. But at least i can finally be freed from the '' JAIL'' HAHAS!!!!!But during that period I found out a truth. abt a someone... but not going to say that name lahs, because thr FELICIA told that person my blog should not have told her my blog!!!! Edoit!!!!!!!! so 害人精!!!!! Ya then someomor b4 going to erh Felicia's home, when buy bubble tea! that time got this two man, sooooooooOOOO scary lehs!! scare me until I want to die!!!!!! Thet us me and felicia where is our school then throw the shoe box on the floor... U Know if i was not with felicia i 早就死了!!! Luckily felcial was there........then later we somehow managed to walk away... but I think that was some of the most scareiest happenings in that day.


I am not a fan of the CLICK 5 okies. And I took the posters for a trade with someone to earn monie.......

Up to u if u wana believe me.,...........

I Shut My Mouth Up At 11:43 AM✖✖✖

☠ Tuesday, May 20, 2008 ☠

I Finally got it right! Yes like the others say, i should not care what others expect me to behave. You know right, '' I DO NOT OWE THEM A LIVING '' why bother??? Yeah! I think now that I cannot expect the whole world to like me right! Everyone has enemies and as the saying goes my enemy is myself! This is what a drama reminded me. I would thank that friend who believed in my who really touched my heart even after hearing all the bad things about me. You Know, DEAR FRIEND, I am willing to change if I am really wrong. BUT most importantly, I will never TRADE friends for anything. From here I really learnt something, the world can ahve haterd but nothing is far better than a treasured friendship. To my best friend, who you read this. I really thank you!!!!!!!! To all out there I hope after hearing this story you will all know what friendship is all about!!!!!!!

I Shut My Mouth Up At 9:10 PM✖✖✖